Door-to-door private transportation
from Chichén Itzá to Tulum

Are you looking for a way to travel from Chichen Itza to Tulum?

Our door-to-door private shuttle services include a driver, gas and any tolls incurred. Your driver will pick you up at any hotel or address and you can choose your time of departure. You can add extra stops along the route to hot touristic spots. We will wait for you and then continue on your way to your final destination.

Vehicle options for this trip Chichén Itzá to Tulum

Sedan Car

Sedan Car

  Max. Passengers: 3

$249.00 USD per vehicle

Price includes driver gasoline and all toll expenses

Toyota Hiace

Toyota Hiace

  Max. Passengers: 9

$340.00 USD per vehicle

Price includes driver gasoline and all toll expenses

Enhace your shuttle Chichén Itzá to Tulum


Colonial City

Valladolid is a city full of history and colors. More.

Hubiku Cenote

Natural Site

In Mayan culture, cenotes were of great importance for their development. More.

Ek Balam

Archaeological Site

A fantastic site with an amazing pyramid that will take your breath away! More.

Maya Park Cenote

Natural Site

A natural cenote with a Mayan pyramid replica. More.


Archaeological Site

You'll be surrounded by lush jungle as you explore Coba. More.

Chichen Itza to Tulum with interesting, optional stops along the way

Chichen Itza to Tulum with interesting, optional stops along the way

We also can make the journey vice versa from the initial starting point. 

Our shuttle service fees do not include any extra entrances to optional touristic sites. If this sounds like something that would work well for you, book today!

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